The Energize Denver Performance Requirements updated regulations were adopted on November 17, 2022, originally passed by City Council on November 21, 2021. The ordinance establishes energy use intensity (EUI) targets for commercial and multifamily buildings 25,000 square feet and larger, prescriptive measures for buildings 5,000-25,000 sq. ft., and electrification updates to building code over time. The purpose of these new requirements is to push buildings towards net zero emissions by 2040 through increased energy efficiency, electrification, and renewable energy adoption.
Energize Denver is launching a new website with technical guidance, resources, and vendor training videos for the performance requirements in December. New compliance notices with building’ performance targets will be mailed/emailed in early January 2023.
The Energize Denver team is hosting a 2-part webinar series in December to delve into the technical details of the performance requirements:
- Register for Part 1 on December 7 from 12 – 1:30 p.m. MT on background of the ordinance, equity considerations, setting 2030 targets, target adjustments, an electrification credit, and the renewables credit.
- Register for Part 2 on December 15, 12:00 – 1:30pm MT on alternate compliance options and their minimum requirements, performance evaluation, and penalty assessments. Updates on manufacturing, agricultural, and industrial buildings, and the small building prescriptive requirements.