Issues and Advocacy

Advocating for our members and promoting the construction industry to legislators and policymakers is an important priority for Rocky Mountain MCA. We work with elected officials and government agencies at the state and local levels to encourage investment in building infrastructure and the development of sound policies that will lead to job creation and a thriving economy. We will continue to track, analyze and lobby bills with impact to the mechanical, plumbing and HVACR industry and keep members apprised of the issues and bills affecting their business.

As part of our efforts, Rocky Mountain MCA commissions and distributes an annual Colorado Capital Construction Report. This report serves to outline the economic impact of the construction industry in Colorado and educate policymakers about the importance of investment in capital construction and controlled maintenance.

Local Updates

Colorado voters will vote on a slew of key issues this coming November. Make sure you’re informed!

National Updates

In the latest update from MCAA, we are tracking the following key issues for members across the nation:

  • Project Labor Agreements, prevailing wage, and registered apprenticeship

  • Independent Contractors and Misclassification of Workers

  • Pension reform

  • Decarbonization

Questions or comments regarding the advocacy positions please send to [email protected]