MCAA has often been called a family. Tragically, members of our family now need our help. We are just now beginning to understand, thanks to the MCA of Houston and UA Locals 68, 211 and 198, just how many of our MCAA and UA families have had their lives turned upside down by this unbelievable tragedy named Harvey.
That’s why MCAA has established the MCAA Disaster Relief Fund. (You may remember the fund from our response to Hurricane Katrina.)
Every dollar the fund receives will be promptly redistributed to those office and field employees of our member companies who are desperately in need as a direct result of Hurricane Harvey.
Additionally, MCAA and the UA are coordinating our Hurricane Harvey relief efforts to ensure that we deliver as much assistance to those in need in the most efficient and expeditious manner possible.
Together, We Can Make a Difference!
Those who would like to make a contribution to the fund may do so via check made out to the “MCAA Disaster Relief Fund.” Checks may be mailed to the attention of MCAA CEO John Gentille at the MCAA National Office, 1385 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.