THE PODIUM | We can build our way to recovery

Happy Holidays from CAMPC!

Check out the latest CAMPC E-News! 5/8

The Last 10% Was A Success!

Thank you to all of the contractors who supported our Last 10% program! We educated 21 students in 2.5 days about Electrical, Controls, Start-Up, TAB, Commissioning and Closeout. We will host our next Last 10% session in 2020.
CAMPC Has Moved!

As of January 27th, 2019, CAMPC has moved to a NEW location.
Happy New Year! CAMPC – 1/2/19 – E-News

Check out the first e-news of 2019 from CAMPC
Oktoberfest – Thank You!

CAMPC extends a huge thank you to all contractor members and industry partners who participated in Oktoberfest 2018!
Congratulations SCI Spring 2018 Graduates!

It is with great pride that the Specialty Contractor Institute, SCI, and it’s committee has graduated its first two classes. Project Management Level 1-01 graduated 24 students and Field Leaders Level 1-01 graduated 22. Our contractor association partners, MCA of Colorado, MSCA of Colorado and SMACNA Colorado have spent the last year developing continuing education […]
Registration for Leadership Access Now Open!

The Buried Truth Uncovered – Successful Events in Denver and Colorado Springs

Eric Giguere, a 42 year old former construction worker from Phelps, NY, shared his story in Denver and Colorado Springs, of how he was buried alive while working in a trench. Eric explained the circumstances and events that led up to his accident and the profound effects it has had on him and his family […]